What can I do if I can't have Internet connection after connected to powerline adapter?

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If you have already tried to configure the Powerline adapters but failed, please check the following troubleshooting.

Below is an example of a normal topology of Powerline network and takes MP510 KIT as a demonstration.


Please refer to the LED explanation (MP510 as an example) and do troubleshooting.


Case 1: The LED light is still Blinking slowly after configuration


Step 1. Verify the Powerline devices are in the same electric circuit.

If the Powerline units can be paired in the same room, but when moving one to another area, the Powerline light is blinking slowly, it usually that means they are plugged into different circuits, which preventing them from communicating. In this case, the Powerline device may not be suitable for your house, please consider other products, like range extender, access point, etc.


*Better to plug Powerline devices into wall sockets, not different power strips.

*Bring both powerline devices into the same room for configuration. Once set up, move the second powerline device to where you need it.


Step 2. Reset the Powerline devices and pair again.


Step 3. Try different methods for configuration.


Step 4. Upgrade to the latest firmware and repair them.

How to update the firmware using Mercusys Powerline Utility?

How to update the firmware of Powerline Adapters via web-based management interface?


Please contact Mercusys technical support with the following information if you still cannot have internet access after the above suggestions.

1). The model number of your router and Powerline adapters.

2). Whether you have tried all suggestions listed above or not. If yes, what are they?

3). Detail the network topology in your house.


Case 2: The LED light is solid green after configuration


Step 1. Verify the Ethernet connection between main router and the Powerline adapter.

If the main router and the Powerline adapter is not connected, the issue may be related to the router’s Ethernet port, Ethernet cable, or the Powerline adapter’s Ethernet port, please do the comparison tests below and find the cause.

1. Change different ports on the main router;

2. Change different Ethernet cables;

3. Take another Powerline device to connect to the same cable;

4. Unplug the Ethernet cable from the main adapter, then connect to a wired computer and check if the computer can work with the main router.


 Step 2. Restart the router and Powerline devices.

Unplug Powerline devices from the wall socket and unplug the power supply of the router, wait two minutes, then plug them back in.


Step3. Connect the wired computer to your router directly via cable to check the connection.

If there is no internet from your router, please reboot your router. If it persists, please contact your router support for help.


Step 4. Upgrade to the latest firmware and pair again.

How to update the firmware using Mercusys Powerline Utility?

How to update the firmware of Powerline Adapters via web-based management interface?


Step 5. Check the IP Address and Default Gateway information of the Powerline device.

Please connect one of your end devices(computer, laptop, mobile phone, etc.) to the Powerline device (wired or wireless), then check the IP Address and Default Gateway. 

a. If the Default Gateway is

1. Please connect the same end device to the wireless router, then check the IP Address and Default Gateway.

Note: For iPhone, “Router” means “Default Gateway”.

2. Configure the information on the Powerline extender’s management page to refer to the IP information of the end device got from router.

Go to Advanced->Device Settings->LAN Settings.


b. If the Default Gateway is the same as the wireless router

1. Make sure the main router doesn’t enable any security settings, like MAC Filtering or Access control.

2. Connect your computer to the Powerline and ping the Default Gateway of wireless router (Optional).


Please contact Mercusys technical support with the following information if you still cannot have internet access after the above suggestions.

1) The model number of your router and Powerline adapters.

2) Whether you have tried all suggestions listed above or not. If yes, what are they?

3) Detail the network topology of your house.

4) The Ping result(Optional).


Case 3 Only wireless connection is not working


Please note that MP500 KIT doesn’t support the Wi-Fi.

If all of your devices cannot work properly with the Mercusys device, please do some troubleshooting as per the following instructions.


1. Cannot see the Wi-Fi name on the Wi-Fi list

Step 1: If you have pressed the Wi-Fi button on the Powerline extender, it will copy wireless settings from the main router. Please move the Powerline extender to the other place and check if the signal strength of the wireless router is improved.


Step 2: Change the wireless settings of the Powerline extender.

Please go to the PLC management page, then click Advanced>>Wireless and change the setting.


Step 3: Reset the Powerline units and reconfigure.

How to reset: Press and hold the RESET button/hole for 6s until all lights are flashing.


Please contact Mercusys technical support with the following information if you still cannot have internet access after the above suggestions.

1) The model number of your router and Powerline adapters.

2) Whether you have tried all suggestions listed above or not. If yes, what are they?


2. Can see the Wi-Fi name but unable to connect

Step 1. Try different wireless channels. 

Connect a wired computer directly to the Powerline Extender, then please go to the PLC management page, then click the Advanced>>Wireless>>Wireless setting.

Note: Please change the channel to 1 or 6 or 11.


Step 2: Change different Network name(SSID) and password.


Step 3: Disable the special settings, like MAC Filter or Parental Control if you have set up before.


Step 4: Reset the Powerline device and wait for the indicators to stable, then try to use the default password of the Wi-Fi printed on the label to connect the Wi-Fi. If succeed, reconfigure the Powerline device.

Normally the default SSID would be mercusys_XXXX.


3. Can Connect to the Wi-Fi but no internet


Step 1: Restart the Powerline extender and end device, then check again.


Step 2: Forget the network and reconnect.


Step 3: Upgrade to the latest firmware.

How to update the firmware using Mercusys Powerline Utility?

How to update the firmware of Powerline Adapters via web-based management interface?


Step 4: Disable the special settings, like MAC Filter or Parental Control if you have set up before.


If you don’t have a wired device and cannot get internet through a Wi-Fi connection, please refer to Case 2 to do the troubleshooting.


Case 4. Only wired connection no internet


Step 1. Verify the Ethernet connection between the Powerline adapter and the end device.

If the Powerline device and the end device is not connected, the issue may be related to the router’s Ethernet port, Ethernet cable, or the Powerline adapter’s Ethernet port, please do the comparison tests below and find the cause.

1. Change different ports of Powerline device;

2. Change different Ethernet cables;

3. Take another Powerline device to connect to the same cable;

4. Connect another device to the router using the same Ethernet cable on the same port. If the Internet works on another device, then the issue should be on the original device itself. Please contact the technical support of the device for assistance.


Step 2: Reboot both the end device and the Powerline device.


Step 3: Check the IP information on the device. The device should obtain an IP addresses automatically.

How to find IP address of your computer (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10,Mac)?

Note: For Windows, on the Network Connection Details Page, “DHCP enabled” should be “Yes”. For Mac, under Network>>>Advanced, “Configure IPv4” should be “Using DHCP”.


Case 5. Only specific device cannot work


If only one specific client device, such as a TV, a printer, fails to get internet access from Mercusys devices or cannot connect to the Mercusys network at all, please follow the instructions to do some troubleshooting.


Step 1: Make sure that this specific device could work fine with other networks.

If it cannot work with any networks at all, this issue would be more likely related to this device itself, please contact the support of that specific device.


Step 2: Reboot both the end device and the Powerline device.


Step 3: Please try to re-enable the wireless adapter on your device and retry.


Step 4: Remove the existing wireless network profile. And connect Wi-Fi again.


Step 5: Try different wireless channels.  

Connect a device directly to the Powerline Extender, then please go to the PLC management page, then please click the Advanced>>Wireless>>Wireless setting.

Note: Please change the channel to 1 or 6 or 11.


Step 6: Disable special settings, like MAC Filter or Parental Control if you have set up before.


Step 7: Verify the IP settings of your end device.

Make sure it obtains an IP address automatically. If the IP settings of your device are static IP, it would require you to manually fill in the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server for your device.

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a setting that ensures the clients can get the information it needs from your wireless router to connect to the internet.