Solutions on issue that sometimes MW301R may crash your network

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Recently we receive some customer feedback that sometimes MW301R may crash your network, and you can only recover it by rebooting the MW301R router. If you come across this similar problem unfortunately, please find these two solutions below.


Product Influenced

MW301R (EU) 2.0 FW180821


Solution 1 --- Upgrade to the latest firmware


Now we have released the new official firmware FW190422 to get this issue resolved. You can download it at


Go to Advanced > System Tools > Firmware Upgrade, browser the upgrade bin file you downloaded and click on Upgrade.




Solution 2 --- Enable IPv6 on your MW301R router


Enable IPv6 on your MW301R router.


Go to Advanced > Network > IPv6, change the mode to Router and click on Save.


Note here you can leave other settings by default, whether you have IPv6 service or not.




After these solutions, if this issue still occurs, please backup your system log and contact us at


Go to Advanced > System Tools > System Log, click on Save Log.