What should I do if the SSID and password on my Mi-Fi’s product label become worn?

Este Artigo Aplica-se a:

In some cases, repeated rubbing, especially with oily fingers, may cause the SSID and password on the product label to become worn. To retrieve the SSID and password, please do the following:


Step 1

Insert the Nano SIM card. Press and hold the The Power button. button until the LEDs turn on.

Inserting the SIM card and powering on the device.

Step 2

Connect your Mi-Fi to your computer using the included USB cable.

Connecting the device to a computer using the included USB cable.

Step 3

Launch a web browser and visit http://mwlogin.net or Use your password to log onto the web management page. Make sure it is set to obtain an IP address automatically.

Note: If you don’t have an account, create one first.

The login interface.

Step 4

Once logged in, the Status Screen will appear. Select Wireless Settings on the Wi-Fi Status section to access the wireless settings. Or go to Advanced > Wireless > Basic Settings.

You can now check your Mi-Fi’s SSID and password.

Wireless Settings button on the Status interface.The SSID and password on the Wireless Settings interface.