Halo H60X

Coming Soon

AX1500 Whole Home Mesh WiFi 6 System

  • Dual Band WiFi 6 Speeds up to 1500 Mbps – 1201 Mbps on 5 GHz and 300 Mbps on 2.4 GHz.
  • Seamless Roaming with One Unified Network – Halo units work together to automatically switch between Halos as you move around your home with a single unified WiFi name and password.
  • Whole Home Coverage – Blanket up to 2,500 ft² (230 m²) with high-speed WiFi, eliminating WiFi dead zones at your home.
  • Connect over 100 Devices – Provide fast and stable connections over 100 devices.
  • Easily Manage Your Home Network – Use the MERCUSYS App to quickly set up and manage your WiFi. You can also manage your kids’ online time and contents.
  • Full Gigabit Ports – Gigabit ports for lightning-fast wired connections.**


*Please note that the Halo H series and S series cannot work together.

Fill Your Home with Fast Mesh WiFi

AX1500 Whole Home Mesh WiFi System

Halo H60X  

1500 Mbps

Coverage up to
2500 ft2 / 230 m2


One Unified

Easy App

Connect over
100 Devices

Dual Band WiFi 6 Speeds up to 1500 Mbps

Armed with WiFi 6, Halo H60X improves virtually every aspect of your network: speed, efficiency, and capacity.

5 GHz 1201 Mbps 2.4 GHz 300 Mbps
  • clock icon

    4× Longer OFDM Symbol

    Provides increased coverage and 11% faster speeds.

  • MU-MIMO icon


    Connects more devices simultaneously.

  • OFDMA icon


    Delivers greater network capacity and efficiency.

  • intersecting circles icon

    BSS Color

    Marks signals from neighboring networks to reduce network congestion.

  • 1024 QAM icon


    Boosts raw speeds by 25% compared to256-QAM.

A Whole Home WiFi Solution

Nothing’s worse than unreliable connections and internet speeds unable to keep up with your digital lifestyle. Halo works as a unified system to guarantee a strong WiFi signal in every corner of your home, providing an incredibly fast and stable network experience. Interruption and buffering will be a thing of the past.


    Stream from Every Corner


    Non-Stop Entertainment


    Signals Never Drop

Covers up to 2,500 ft2

True Seamless Roaming with One Unified Network

The Halo system automatically connects your phones or tablets to the fastest node, delivering a truly seamless network experience. No more sudden signal drops or lagging WiFi when you’re walking around the house.

  • Powerful Signal Amplifiers

    Refined signal amplifiers and receivers cast strong, stable WiFi signals.

    powerful signal amplifiers
  • Beamforming

    Supports Beamforming technology to concentrate wireless signal strength towards devices.

  • Self-Healing

    Auto-chooses the best connection route between Halos according to the stability of the network.


MERCUSYS App Helps You Set Up in a Few Steps

Without any technical know-how or reading complicated instructions, simply follow the in-app instructions. Set up your mesh network in minutes.

  • Step 1

    Find what you’ll need in the box

    Step 1:Find the Halo,Power Cable and Ethernet Cable in the box Halo Power Cable Ethernet Cable
  • Step 2

    Plug in your devices

    Step 2:Plug in your devices
  • Step 3

    Follow the on-screen directions with the app to configure the main Halo

    Step 3:Follow the on-screen directions with the MERCUSYS app
  • Step 4

    Power up the included add-on unit and it will automatically join the network

    Step 3:Follow the on-screen directions with the MERCUSYS app

The MERCUSYS app helps you manage your WiFi anywhere you are through your iOS or Android devices.


    Check the Status of Connected Devices


    Quality of Service


    Guest Network


    New Device Access Alert


    Monthly Reports


Powerful Parental Controls

Easily manage your kids’ online time and content to create a safe and healthy online environment.

  • Create User Profiles

    Create a profile for each family member you would like to manage. Assign devices to the profile to set access controls and time limits for them.

  • Online Time Limits

    Set daily limits on how long your kids spend online and prevent them from accessing the internet on their devices for a long time to build a healthy network habit.

  • Block Inappropriate Websites

    Control which sites your kids visit by setting a block list.

  • Pause Internet Connection

    Suspend family members’ internet connections to take a break from the virtual world to enjoy some family time.

Improved Capacity

Enhanced by WiFi 6’s OFDMA and MU-MIMO technology, Halo H60X lets you connect over 100 devices at once. Enjoy a more efficient network that loads faster without dragging down performance.

Connect over

Full Gigabit Ports + WAN/LAN Auto-Sensing

Thanks to WAN/LAN Auto-Sensing, there’s no need to distinguish between WAN/LAN ports. This reduces time and effort, so you can get straight to enjoying Halo H60X’s lightning-fast data transfer to wired devices. With full gigabit ports, your devices will clock 10× faster than standard Ethernet connections.

  • Halo H60X-Router

    H60XR has 3× Gigabit WAN/LAN Ports, and works as a router to access Internet

  • Halo H60X-Satellite

    H60XS has 2× Gigabit LAN Ports, and works as a satellite to expand the coverage

Easily Extend Your Coverage

The Halo Whole Home WiFi kit includes multiple units to fit any house type. If that’s not enough, you can expand Mesh WiFi coverage anytime by simply adding more Halos.*

*Please note that the Halo H series and S series cannot work together.


Work as the main router




5 GHz

2.4 GHz

Optional Gigabit Ethernet Backhaul

†Maximum wireless signal rates are the physical rates derived from IEEE Standard 802.11 specifications. Actual wireless data throughput, wireless coverage, and quantity of connected devices are not guaranteed and will vary as a result of network conditions, client limitations, and environmental factors, including building materials, obstacles, volume and density of traffic, and client location.
‡Seamless roaming requires clients to support 802.11k/v/r and may require additional set up. Performance may vary depending on the client device.
△Use of Wi-Fi 6 and other features including OFDMA, MU-MIMO, 1024-QAM, BSS Color requires clients to also support the corresponding features. This product may not support all the mandatory features of IEEE 802.11ax specifications. Further software upgrades for feature availability may be required.
*Please note that the Halo H series and S series cannot work together. Halo H60X is compatible with other units from the Halo H series to form a Mesh network.

**All WAN/L AN ports will operate as either WAN or LAN ports. Only one port can serve as a WAN port at a time.

†Maximum wireless signal rates are the physical rates derived from IEEE Standard 802.11 specifications. Actual wireless data throughput, wireless coverage, and quantity of connected devices are not guaranteed and will vary as a result of network conditions, client limitations, and environmental factors, including building materials, obstacles, volume and density of traffic, and client location.
‡Seamless roaming requires clients to support 802.11k/v/r and may require additional set up. Performance may vary depending on the client device.
△Use of Wi-Fi 6 and other features including OFDMA, MU-MIMO, 1024-QAM, BSS Color requires clients to also support the corresponding features. This product may not support all the mandatory features of IEEE 802.11ax specifications. Further software upgrades for feature availability may be required.
*Please note that the Halo H series and S series cannot work together. Halo H60X is compatible with other units from the Halo H series to form a Mesh network.
**All WAN/L AN ports will operate as either WAN or LAN ports. Only one port can serve as a WAN port at a time.

Actual network speed may be limited by the rate of the product's Ethernet WAN or LAN port, the rate supported by the network cable, Internet service provider factors and other environmental conditions.


Jednoduchá a funkční

Prohlédněte si kompatibilní produkty


umožňuje jednoduché nastavení během několika minut a správu Wi-Fi sítě doma i mimo domov prostřednictvím zařízení iOS nebo Android. Aplikace je dostupná v lokálních jazycích, tedy i v češtině a slovenštině.


    Snadné nastavení


    Správa v reálném čase


    Technologie Quality Of Service


    Síť pro hosty


    Rodičovská kontrola

S aplikací MERCUSYS nastavíte vše potřebné v několika krocích

Nemusíte být technický znalec ani číst složité návody, stačí postupovat podle pokynů v aplikaci. Vytvořte mesh síť za několik minut.

  • Step 1:Find the Halo,Power Cable and Ethernet Cable in the box Halo Napájecí kabel Ethernet kabel

    Krok 1

    Vše potřebné najdete v krabici se sadou

  • Step 2:Plug in your devices

    Krok 2

    Zapojte vaše zařízení

  • Step 3:Follow the on-screen directions with the MERCUSYS app

    Krok 3

    Postupujte podle pokynů v aplikaci MERCUSYS

Správa Wi-Fi v reálném čase

S aplikací MERCUSYS můžete spravovat síť v reálném čase. Mějte přehled, kdo se připojuje k vaší síti, a kdykoli ji spravujte prostřednictvím zařízení iOS nebo Android.

Upozornění: Konfigurační stránka různých modelů se může lišit.


Robustní rodičovská kontrola

Mějte celý čas pod kontrolou obsah, který děti sledují na internetu, a vytvořte bezpečné on-line prostředí.

  • Tvorba uživatelských profilů

    Vytvořte profil pro každého člena rodiny, kterého chcete spravovat. Přiřaďte zařízení k profilu a nastavte pro ně řízení přístupu a časové limity.

  • Omezení času stráveného na internetu

    Nastavte denní limity pro dobu, kterou děti stráví online, a zabraňte jim v dlouhodobém přístupu k internetu na jejich zařízeních, aby si vytvořily zdravý návyk na používání sítě.

  • Blokování nevhodných webových stránek

    Kontrola stránek, které vaše děti navštěvují, nastavením seznamu blokování.

  • Pozastavení připojení k internetu

    Přerušte připojení členů rodiny k internetu, abyste si mohli odpočinout od virtuálního světa a užít si čas strávený s rodinou.

Správa a zabezpečení domácí sítě

Aplikace MERCUSYS vám pomůže se správou vaší Wi-Fi sítě doma nebo na cestách prostřednictvím zařízení iOS nebo Android.

  • link icon

    Kontrola stavu připojených zařízení

    Mějte přehled o provozním stavu sítě Halo a sledujte, jaká zařízení jsou v ní připojena. Podle potřeby upřednostněte nebo zablokujte připojená zařízení.

  • icon with right arrows

    Technologie Quality Of Service

    Umí upřednostnit zvolená zařízení a zvýšit jejich výkon.

  • alert icon

    Upozornění na připojení nového zařízení

    Aplikace MERCUSYS vám automaticky odešle upozornění, jestliže se k síti připojí neznámé zařízení. Klepnutím můžete zařízení zablokovat, pokud ohrožuje bezpečnost. 

  • guest icon

    Nastavení sítě pro hosty

    Vytvořte oddělenou síť pro vaše hosty a zabezpečte a ochraňte své soukromí.


Vše v jedné aplikaci

Ať už chcete ovládat širokou škálu routerů MERCUSYS, extenderů, nebo mesh systémů Halo, vše potřebné najdete v aplikaci.

Prohlédněte si kompatibilní produkty

Kompatibilní produkty

Poznámka: Firmware zařízení vyžaduje nejnovější verzi. Kliknutím sem se dozvíte, jak aktualizovat firmware.

Poznámka: Uvedené a vyšší hardwarové verze těchto modelů jsou kompatibilní s aplikací MERCUSYS.


  • Halo Mesh

    • picture of the product:Halo H50G V1

      Halo H50G V1

      AC1900 Whole Home Mesh Wi-Fi System

    • picture of the product:Halo H30G V1

      Halo H30G V1

      AC1300 Whole Home Mesh Wi-Fi System

    • picture of the product:Halo H80X V1

      Halo H80X V1

      AX3000 Whole Home Mesh WiFi 6 System

    • picture of the product:Halo H70X V1

      Halo H70X V1

      AX1800 Whole Home Mesh WiFi 6 System

    • picture of the product:Halo H30 V1

      Halo H30 V1

      AC1200 Whole Home Mesh Wi-Fi System

    • picture of the product:Halo H90X V1

      Halo H90X V1

      AX6000 Whole Home Mesh Wi-Fi System

  • Wi-Fi Routery

    • picture of the product:MR70X V1

      MR70X V1

      AX1800 Dual Band Wi-Fi 6 Router

    • picture of the product:MR80X V1

      MR80X V1

      AX3000 Dual-Band Wi-Fi 6 Router

    • picture of the product:MR50G

      MR50G V1

      AC1900 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router

    • picture of the product:MR50G

      AC12G V2

      AC1300 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router

    • picture of the product:MR30G V1

      MR30G V1

      AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router

    • picture of the product:MR30G V1

      MR1200G V1

      AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router

    • picture of the product:MR1900G

      MR1900G V1

      AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router

    • picture of the product:MR1800X

      MR1800X V1

      AX1800 Dual-Band WiFi 6 Router

    • picture of the product:MR90X

      MR90X V1

      AX6000 8-Stream Wi-Fi 6 Router

    • picture of the product:MR60X

      MR60X V2

      AX1500 Wi-Fi 6 Router

    • picture of the product:AC12

      AC12 V3

      AC1200 Dual Band Wireless Router

    • picture of the product:AC10

      AC10 V1

      AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Router

    • picture of the product:MW325R

      MW325R V3

      300Mbps Enhanced Wireless N Router

    • picture of the product:MW305R

      MW305R V3

      300Mbps Wireless N Router

    • picture of the product:MW301R

      MW301R V3

      300Mbps Wireless N Router

  • Extendery

    • picture of the product:ME70X

      ME70X V1

      AX1800 Wi-Fi 6 Range Extender

    • picture of the product:ME50G

      ME50G V1

      AC1900 Wi-Fi Range Extender

    • picture of the product:ME30

      ME30 V1

      AC1200 Wi-Fi Range Extender

    • picture of the product:MW300RE

      MW300RE V4

      300Mbps Wi-Fi Range Extender

Podpora několika jazyků

Aplikace MERCUSYS podporuje až 26 jazyků, což umožňuje snadnou správu sítí uživatelům po celém světě.

  • English

  • Nederlands

  • Français

  • Deutsch

  • Italiano

  • 日本語

  • 한국어

  • Português

  • Español

  • 繁體中文

  • Русский язык

  • Português Brasil

  • Español

  • Български

  • Українська мова

  • Polski

  • Română

  • Slovenčina

  • ไทย

  • Türkçe

  • Čeština

  • Tiếng Việt

  • Eλληνικά

  • Bahasa Melayu

  • Magyar

  • עברית

Wireless Standards

Wi-Fi 6
IEEE 802.11ax/ac/n/a 5 GHz
IEEE 802.11n/b/g 2.4 GHz

Signal Rate

1201 Mbps on 5 GHz, 300 Mbps on 2.4 GHz

Reception Sensitivity


11g 6Mbps:-96.5dBm

11g 54Mbps:-78dBm



11a 6Mbps:-96dBm

11a 54Mbps:-78dBm

11ac VHT20 MCS8:-74.5dBm

11ac VHT40 MCS9:-70.5dBm

11ac VHT80 MCS9:-66.5dBm

11ax HE20 MCS11:-66dBm

11ax HE40 MCS11:-63dBm

11ax HE80 MCS11:-61dBm

Transmission Power

2.4 GHz < 20dBm (EIRP)
5 GHz < 23dBm (EIRP)

Wireless Security


Mesh protocol


Operation Modes

Router, Access Point

Quality of Service


WAN Type

Dynamic IP/Static IP/PPPoE/L2TP/PPTP


Local Management, Remote Management, Multi-Managers


Server, Client

Firewall Security

SPI Firewall


Supports IPv4 and IPv6

Guest Network

2.4 GHz Guest Network,
5 GHz Guest Network

Dimensions (W X D X H)

3.5 × 3.5 × 3.5 in (88 × 88 × 88 mm)


3× Gigabit WAN/LAN Ports


Reset button

Package Contents


1× Halo H60XR Unit+ 2× Halo H60XS Units
1× RJ45 Ethernet Cable
3× Power Adapters
Quick Installation Guide


1× Halo H60XR Unit+ 1× Halo H60XS Unit
1× RJ45 Ethernet Cable
2× Power Adapters
Quick Installation Guide


1× Halo H60XR Unit
1× RJ45 Ethernet Cable
1× Power Adapters
Quick Installation Guide


Operating Temperature: 0°C~40°C (32°F~104°F)
Operating Humidity: 10%~90% Non-Condensing
Storage Humidity: 5%~90% Non-Condensing